miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010

Leapşa IV

De data asta, un alt fel de leapşa - muzicală ! Tot ce trebuie să faceţi este să răspundeţi la întrebări printr-o melodie. Enjoy it !

1. Eşti bărbat sau femeie?
I'm not a girl, not yet a woman - Britney Spears

2. Descrie-te !
I am what I am - Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab

3. Cum se simt oamenii în preajma ta ?
Razna - Omul cu şobolani

4. Cum ţi-ai descrie relaţia anterioară ?
Vara trecută - Voltaj

5. Dar pe cea actuală?
Good for me - Above & Beyond ft. Zoe Johnston

6. Unde ai vrea să te afli acum ?
Be with you - Enrique Iglesias

7. Ce părere ai despre iubire?
Epilog - Vama Veche

8. Cum e viaţa ta ?
Behind - ATB pres. Flanders

9. Ce ai cere dacă ai putea să îţi pui o singură dorinţă ?
Turn back time - DJ Shah

10. Spune ceva inteligent !
Just be - Tiesto ft. Kirsty Hawkshaw

E liber să şi-o însuşească oricine doreşte ! :)

marți, 26 ianuarie 2010

Leapşa III



1. Yourself? Stubborn.

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? Incredible. >:)

3. Your hair? Curly.

4. Your mother? Intelligent.

5. Your father? Selfish.

6. Your favorite item? None.

7. Your dream last night? Unknown.

8. Your favorite drink? Coke.

9. Your dream car? A8.

10. The room you’re in? Bedroom.

11. Your ex? Cute.

12. Your fear? Loneliness.

13. What you want to be in 10 years? Doctor.

14. Who you hung out with last night? Nobody.

15. What You’re Not? Perfect.

16. One of Your Wish List Items? Car.

17. Time? Precious.

18. The Last Thing You Did? Watching TV.

19. What You Are Wearing? T-shirt.

20. Your Favorite Weather? Sunny.

21. Your Favorite Book? Soni.

22. The Last Thing You Ate? Apple.

23. Your Life? Great.

24. Your Mood? Bored.

25. Your body? Ugly.

26. What are you thinking about right now? School.

27. Your car? Soon.

28. What are you doing at the moment? Writing.

29. Your summer? Fabulous.

30. What color are your underwear? White.

31. What is the weather like? Cold.

32. When is the last time you laughed? Yesterday.

33. What is on your tv? Science.

Diana, tu ce zici? :)